Dental Implants versus Dental Bridge

Dental implants richmond va and dental bridges are great ways to restore one or more missing teeth in your mouth. It is important to replace missing teeth with some type of restoration so that the rest of your teeth do not shift around and possibly become loose or cause bigger problems down the road. Here, we will review the different advantages to each restoration so that you can have the information to determine which choice is best for you.

Dental Implants versus Dental Bridges

A dental bridge is a great option for patients that cannot endure implant surgery. A bridge is made of two crowns that are joined together by a pontic (fake tooth). The drawback of a bridge is that it does require healthy neighboring teeth for support which means that the healthy supporting teeth have to be prepared for a crown. The crowns of the bridge are placed on the teeth on either side of the open space with the pontic floating in the middle to give the appearance of a tooth.

Dental implants are more beneficial in that they do not negatively affect healthy teeth. For patients with sufficient jaw structure and a healthy medical history, implants could be the way to go. An oral surgeon places an implant into your jawbone and after a significant amount of healing time, your dentist will restore the implant with an implant crown.

Is one more durable than the other?

Dental implants are the more durable and stable option but both are nice, durable restorations. One benefit to implants is that porcelain and metal do not decay so the implant can last a lifetime whereas the teeth supporting a bridge can develop decay and bridges may only last 10 years or so.

Is one more natural-looking?

Advances in dental technology have come a long way and most restorations these days look very natural. Dental bridges are usually best for posterior teeth while dental implants are great for both posterior and anterior teeth. Regardless of which option you choose, your dentist will make sure that you are completely happy with your case and how it blends in with your smile.

Caring for Dental Implants and Bridges

There are a number of reasons why a patient may have lost a tooth but periodontal disease can be just as damaging to dental restorations I said has two natural teeth. It is extremely important to make sure you are diligent in your oral care routine. If you received a bridge, your dentist will teach you how to floss and brush under the bridge to make sure that no food particles linger and allow bacteria to build up. A lot of patients find that a floss threader is extremely helpful when cleaning a bridge. Implants can be flossed just like regular teeth.

Regardless of which restoration you choose, it is important to keep up with regular visits to your dentist for cleanings and checkups. X-rays are an important tool for your dentist to be able to see in your restoration and ensure that it is stable.

If you need to replace a missing tooth, your dentist can help you decide which treatment option is best for you.

More on Dental Implants : How Long Do Dental Implants Take?