How long do dental implants take?

There are a few options available to patients who are missing teeth but one of the best options for some are richmond dental implants. Dental implants are a more invasive and costly dental restoration but their stability and durability far outweigh other options. Some patients are a little intimidated by the length of time it takes to complete treatment with dental implants but most of it is waiting and healing.

Before You Begin Treatment

First things first, you will need an examination and consultation. Not everyone is a candidate for dental implants so it is important to make sure before treatment begins that you are a good candidate and that your implant will be successful. Your doctor will need x-rays of the area to determine if your bone structure is sound enough to receive and support a dental implant.

Preparatory and Implant Placement Surgeries

Your dentist will not be the one placing your implant, you will see an Oral Surgeon or Periodontist to whom your doctor referred you. If you need to have a hopeless tooth extracted, that will be done first and allowed to heal. You may also need a bone graft which your dentist can do you at the same time as your extraction. The extraction site with its new bone material is allowed to heal for about three months before the implant a surgery. There is also the possibility of a sinus lift which can add 4 to 8 weeks of healing time.

Once you are ready to have your implant placed, your doctors will allow it to heal up to six months before the implant is restored with a new tooth.

Healing Time

While you heal, a healing cap will be secured over the implant to protect it from damage and food particles. You will also be given a dental appliance, either an essex or a flipper, to wear that will give you the appearance of a tooth while you heal. During this time, your implant will integrate with your jaw bone so that it is stable when you receive your implant and crown. Your oral surgeon or periodontist will release you from care once your implant is fully healed and allow your general dentist to restore it with a fake tooth.

Restoring Your Implant

When it is time for your dentist to restore your implant, they will have you come to the office for impressions which will be sent off to a dental lab who will fabricate your implant crown. After a couple of weeks, your dentist will have your case back and will have you come into the office for another quick visit to set your crown. Your crown is attached to the implant using an abutment and screw. The abutment attaches directly to the implant and the crown attaches to the apartment.

When all is said and done, having an implant placed can take between 3 and 9 months with healing time. For most patients, the long process is worth the reward of having a restoration that can last for a lifetime.

More on Dental Implants : Cost of Dental Implants