Invisalign v Braces

Orthodontic treatment is not only a cosmetic treatment but can also greatly improve the health of your mouth. Teeth that are crooked and overcrowded are much harder to clean and are more susceptible to decay than teeth that are straight and in alignment. Orthodontic treatment has come a long way from traditional metal wire and bracket braces. A number of clear aligner options are on the market and richmond Invisalign is one of the top contenders. In this section, we will discuss the differences and benefits between Invisalign and traditional braces.

Invisalign versus Traditional Braces

Traditional braces involve metal brackets that are bonded directly onto the front of teeth to support a metal archwire that is threaded through the bracket. An orthodontist periodically tightens and adjusts the archwire to shift teeth into position. There are clear brackets available that have a white archwire, making traditional braces much less noticeable.

Invisalign clear aligners use a series of BPA-free, clear plastic trays that the patient wears for at least 22 hours per day. Tooth-colored attachments may be bonded onto the teeth to rotate or vertically shift teeth, the trays fit over the attachments. Each set of trays is worn for 10 to 14 days before they are changed out to another set, gradually shifting the teeth. The trays are virtually unnoticeable.

Benefits of Invisalign

The biggest benefit for Invisalign is that the trays are more aesthetically pleasing than wires and brackets but Invisalign trays are also safer, especially for patients who play contact sports. Brackets can cut the inside of the mouth but Invisalign trays are smooth and flush to the teeth and will not cause damage during sports or other exercises. This of course also makes Invisalign trays much more comfortable to you and/or than brackets and wires.

Another huge benefit of Invisalign trays is oral hygiene! Unlike traditional braces, you do not eat with your Invisalign trays so brushing and flossing your teeth and cleaning your trees is considerably easier than trying to brush and floss around brackets and wires. Food particles that become lodged under wires can lead to staining or decay.

Which Treatment Path is Right for You

When deciding what type of Orthodontic treatment is best for you, it is important to consider your ability to comply with a 22 hour wear time each day with Invisalign trays. Brackets and wires cannot be removed so you have no choice other than to comply! If you are confident that you can comply with the time requirements for Invisalign, your treatment will be completed in a much shorter time span than it would be with traditional braces.

Not everyone is a candidate for Invisalign but your dentist can help you determine which treatment will give you the best results. Some extreme cases may not be able to be corrected with clear aligners and it is important to remember that with either option, you will experience some level of soreness as your teeth shift.

If you want a straight and healthy smile, speak with your dentist to determine which treatment path will be best for you!

Before and After of Invisalign