How much does tooth extraction cost?

Richmond Tooth extraction sounds like a big deal but depending on your individual case, it is usually pretty simple! If the tooth has erupted through the gum, an extraction only takes about 45 minutes and is performed by either a Periodontist or an Oral Maxillofacial Surgeon. If your tooth is impacted, the surgery will be a little bit more invasive and will take a little longer.

The most common teeth patients are used to having extracted our wisdom teeth. These are our third molars at the back of our mouth’s that we don’t really need anymore and there is usually not enough room to allow for wisdom teeth to fully erupt through the gum tissue. Aside from unnecessary wisdom teeth and impacted teeth, the patient may need an extraction when a tooth is severely cracked or otherwise deemed hopeless.

How much does it cost to have a tooth extracted?

There are a few factors that come into play when determining how much a tooth extraction will cost. Front teeth are usually a simple extraction and cost less than molars and premolars in the back. Generally, the price range for tooth extraction is between $75 and $200 per tooth.

Impacted teeth may require general anesthesia and will cost significantly more. Erupted teeth can usually be removed with a local anesthetic.

Dental insurance may help cover some of the costs of your treatment but if you need extra help, discuss a financial arrangement with your dental office. Some offices offer in-house financing and you can make payments directly to them over a period of time or they may offer third-party financing through a company such as CareCredit.

What are the benefits of having a tooth extracted?

Your dentist wants you to keep as many of your natural teeth as possible so if you are advised to have a tooth extracted, there is a reason. Teeth that are severely infected or are decayed or fractured beyond repair may need to be extracted to restore your mouth to a healthy state. Sometimes, extraction is also advised prior to beginning orthodontic treatment. Wisdom teeth can cause problems down the road after orthodontic treatment even if they have not erupted at the time of treatment.

Severely decayed or infected teeth are important to have extracted because decay can spread from tooth to tooth. When decay is left and allowed to reach the roots of the teeth, it can cause periodontal disease and even jaw bone deterioration. Removing infected teeth helps keep your remaining teeth healthy and functional.

Having a tooth extracted does not mean that you will have a space for the rest of your life. There are a number of options to replace an extracted tooth including a dental bridge or a dental implant. If you need a tooth extracted and want it replaced, speak with your dentist about restorative procedures so that you are financially prepared.

Wisdom teeth Extraction