Case Study #6
Overview of Case : The patient in this case wanted to improve the color of his teeth and close gaps between them. A mock-up was created to determine the feasibility of achieving the desired aesthetic result with veneers. The design required a "gum lift" on the left side, and a guide was used to replicate the design from the mock-up. The teeth were then minimally prepared for veneers to avoid a bulky, artificial appearance. Temporary veneers were placed immediately after the gum lift, and the final veneers were bonded in pairs for the best results. The final veneers resulted in a harmonious smile with an excellent aesthetic outcome.
Step 2
Visible in this picture are the spaces between teeth, variable color, and cant of the teeth.
Step 3
Treatment Plan
As always, we designed a mock-up first to determine if we liked what result could be achievable with veneers.